After a lovely cruise on a warm day with the sun shining brightly, we docked at Ship Cove for tea and homemade scones. Yummy! We had an opportunity to walk through the brush and see why Captain Cook loved this place so much. He sailed here often after a long journey across the sea to rest and gather strength before he sailed on through the south pacific. Easy to understand - this little place is quiet, except for the wild bush hens who roam freely and will steal anything that resembles food if you don't hold on to your belongings! There are also beautiful birds and ducks. So peaceful out here.
After we had an opportunity to explore the cove we boarded our catamaran and headed back to the ship. On the way back I sat with a couple of ladies I've met on our ship, while Bob ran around the entire time, like the energizer bunny, taking pictures! Luckily he has the energy to keep shooting so we will have wonderful memories of our trip we an share with others. I, on the other hand, sat happily on the back of the boat chatting with my friends, watching the water splash, making beautiful designs as we sailed along. We watched birds who lurked just on top of the water, taking their time until they found a fish that looked like a good meal. Then, like lightening, it would swoop down and gather the fish in his beak and fly off to have his meal. It's quite interesting to watch these large birds as they take flight to hunt their prey. They look so intense as the scour the clear water. Quite the hunters. Along the way back we also spotted dolphin as they played and followed our boat.
It was a great, relaxing and fun day. Lots of sunshine and perfect temperatures for a sail. Now, on to another port in beautiful New Zealand.
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